ISSN: 2394-2053 (Print)
ISSN: 2394-2061 (Online)
Open Journal of Psychiatry & Allied Sciences, Formerly Dysphrenia

January-June 2018, Volume 9 Issue 1
Organisational psychological medicine: an upcoming branch of psychological medicine
Russel D’Souza, Avinash De Sousa
Attitude of medical undergraduate and postgraduate students towards psychiatry: a cross-sectional study
Narayan R Mutalik, Tejaswi TP, Manjula Kashinakunti, SB Choudhari
Scope of free legal aid clinics at psychiatric hospitals in India
Ameer Hamza, K Sajitha, G Ragesh, Priya Treesa Thomas
Father and son attachment styles in alcoholic and non-alcoholic families
Mythili Hazarika, Dipesh Bhagabati
A cross-sectional study on assessment of prevalence of Internet addiction and its correlates among professional college students
Narayan R Mutalik, Tejaswi TP, Shankar Moni, SB Choudhari
Suicide menace in North-Eastern India: a hospital-based study on the clinical aspects of suicide attempters
Robin Victor, Chiradeep Sengupta, Subrata Naskar, Bhanita Boro, Kaveri Saxena
Pattern of deliberate self-harm seen at a tertiary teaching hospital in Meghalaya, India
Arvind Nongpiur, Sonali Shinde Tesia, Vijaya Raghavan
Predominant diagnoses, gender, and admission duration in an adult psychiatric inpatient hospital in United Kingdom
Carlo Lazzari, Ahmed Shoka, Basavaraja Papanna, Kapil Kulkarni
Prodromal symptoms and temperamental characteristics in first episode psychotic mania: re-looking the cynosure
Sandeep Motichand, Daya Ram, Sujit Sarkhel, Varun Shantilal Mehta, Samir Kumar Praharaj
Psychological well-being and weight efficacy lifestyle of adults with obesity
Harpreet Mehar, Shikha Srivastava, Ranjana Tiwari
Psychiatric morbidities in patients of carcinoma cervix
Adya Shanker Srivastava, Akhilesh Shukla, Sulekha Pandey, AK Asthana, Maheshwar Nath Tripathi, Balram Pandit, Jai Singh Yadav
Gender differences among suspected suicide attempts in a rural tertiary care hospital on South India
Ravi S Kumar, Uzma Hashim
Depression among alcohol dependent patients: a cross-sectional study
Christy Abraham, Anithakumari Ayirolimeethal, Biju George
Effect of hardiness on CD4+ count among injection drug users
Deepak Pandey
Childhood night terrors and sleepwalking: diagnosis and treatment
Sachin Ratan Gedam, Pradeep S. Patil, Imran Ali Shivji
Idiopathic REM sleep behaviour disorder: a case report
Niranjan Hebbar YR, Ashutosh Dash, Dhananjay Patro, Th Bihari Singh
“I am no male or female or any other, I have no sex”: a case report on asexuality
Niranjan Hebbar YR, Senilio Magh, Ashutosh Dash
Monobider Moner Katha
Gautam Kr. Bandyopadhyay

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